A Magnificent Promise

There is a mystery, a magnificent promise that will be paid for the trials you have endured in this life. It is soon to be revealed to those of us whose dreams have been battered by the storms of this life. Because you have endured storms, afflictions and rejection you are a treasure of great worth to your Father and He wants you to understand in great detail that the birthing process, the building process, that is getting ready to take place in you and around you so that you can stand strong in your faith and not be tossed on the angry seas. Hold onto hope, the time is near. The time is here…

Romans 8:17-18

Now if we are children, then we are heirs–heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

A soul standing in affliction, bearing the reproach of man, battered by the storms of life; grief has threaten to drag you to the bottom of the abyss and destroy the blazing passion that once roared inside your chest. Cast aside, rejected and scorned you have walked through this life as an outsider on the fringe of something bigger than yourself, yet you have been unable to make family connections that promise healing and hope to your wounded soul. The prophecies spoken in the day and the promises whispered in your ears in the midnight hours have gone unfulfilled. The storms of life have raged on, afflicting physical and emotional wounds that have left you dry and weary, with barely enough strength left in your frame to stand.

You have attempted to make connections in your life to bring forth life to the passions placed inside your spirit. Flesh cannot birth the Spiritual. These connections were not failures, they were immature attempts at establishing the greater plan for your life. God pulled you aside in your affliction to allow you time to mature in Him. You were set aside, rejected by men, so what is about to be birthed in you would remain pure, untainted from the influence of man. You were pulled aside so that God, and God alone, would be the influence in the passion you are about to birth. What has felt like exile, has actually been a grooming process to bring accelerated maturity to your soul so that you might walk in the grace necessary to carry the life ahead of you.

Because you have been rejected by man a promise of restoration has been made. You will bring forth multiple passions, you will birth many spiritual exploits and bear many spiritual children. (Isaiah 54:1)

Your inheritance looks desolate, as if nothing could ever spring forth from the ground. Strengthen yourself in the Lord your God and prepare for the rapid increase. Cast aside every weight and every burden from your shoulders. Release the confusion and the regret of the past knowing that God has created this passion inside you to birth. It has not been brought forth from the desolation of your vain imagination, pride or the flesh. God has created this desire inside you to serve, to build, to create for Him. As you stood in the wilderness, was there any man beside you to draw upon? Was there anyone beside you in the wilderness that satisfied your thirst? NO. The only one beside you in this wilderness has been Jehovah God. What has grown inside you was a result of deep communion with Him.
(Isaiah 54:2-3,9)

Having held onto the midnight promises revealed in dreams and visions, you stand in disgrace before the world for holding onto an impossible hope. A dream, a vision, that never gained life. You have held out the seed of promise for all to view. Can you see this promise of life? of a ministry? of a spiritual child that was never born in your hands? No one has seen the value in the promise you have held. You have held this promise out before others to see and have found yourself rejected and ridiculed because you have held onto a promise that is long past its prime. Others have told you if it really was from God it would have come into fruition by now, or at the very least born fruit in some way. They have You have grown old, not only in years, but in spirit from the reproach of man, while holding onto the hope of this deep seated passion inside your heart. Do not lose heart! Do not mistake the rebuke of man for the rebuke of the Lord! God gave you this promise to birth, not man. It is not in mans timing nor is it in mans understanding that this passion will be brought to life! THE TIME IS QUICKLY APPROACHING!!! Can you not feel the pressure building? This is pain of labor… not the pain of another rejection. This is the pressure of new life, do not mistake this as the pressure that has threatened to burry you alive in grief and sorrow in the past.

God has promised to show you great kindness and mercy in place of the scorn you have endured!(Isaiah 54:4-8)

Let loose of the fear that has held you back! You cannot push through this narrow space with the weight of the past hanging from your neck. Let it go! Let go of the past! You cannot bring forth life and death from the same spring. It looks hopeless… you have tried many times before and failed. To try one more time would leave you in the most vulnerable place. You are afraid if you try just one more time and fail there will be nothing left inside you to hold onto. It feels like if you try one more time that everything inside you will dissolve into dust and blow away in the storm surrounding you. Take hold, dare to hope one more time, fall to your knees and cast your anxieties upon the Lord. Let them go. He has made a promise of provision and protection for this move of God inside you. NO WEAPON FORMED WILL STAND. THE WORDS OF YOUR ACCUSERS WILL NOT STAND. Because this is your inheritance. This is the promise… because you have endured the storm, survived the affliction, bared the reproach…

He has promised to shelter your heart. (Isaiah 54:11-17)

This is not the time to withdraw. God has promised what you are about to birth will be brought forth in great peace. The attempts to birth this passion inside you before took place in a storm that threatened to drown you… there will be no storm in this birth. There will only be peace. (Isaiah 54:13)

The pressure of what you have endured has served a purpose: to unearth immeasurable treasures of great value and worth that you Father wants to display in your restoration. in other words, this pressure has been the pangs of a new life pushing… it is the kingdom coming! Can’t you see the “Crown” of glory coming? Look closely, this is a new life! Such amazing beauty that has been hidden inside you is now being birthed to be seen by all. This testimony of Gods kindness, His goodness inside you brought to life will bring many into repentance and into the understanding of the Fathers great love.

There will be no denying the handiwork of the Creator in the passion you are about birth and build.

Isaiah 54

Jamie Ferguson
January 31, 2013


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